Junk Food And I (Day 4)

Image result for anti fast food quote
Diet Day 4: Whoever snuck the ‘S’ in fast food was clever.

Diet Day 1:  https://confessionsofme321.wordpress.com/2019/05/22/an-unhealthy-healthy/

Diet Day 2:  https://confessionsofme321.wordpress.com/2019/05/23/my-food-pyramid/

Diet Day 3: https://confessionsofme321.wordpress.com/2019/05/29/balanced-meal-day-3/

‘Balanced Meal’ (Day 3)

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Diet Day 3: Junk food would be a lot easier to avoid- if it actually tasted like junk.

Diet Day 1:  https://confessionsofme321.wordpress.com/2019/05/22/an-unhealthy-healthy/

Diet Day 2:  https://confessionsofme321.wordpress.com/2019/05/23/my-food-pyramid/

My Food Pyramid (Day 2)

Diet day 2: I tried to avoid things that make me fat…like weight scales, mirrors, jeans and photographs.

Diet day 1: https://confessionsofme321.wordpress.com/2019/05/22/an-unhealthy-healthy/

Diet Day 3: https://confessionsofme321.wordpress.com/2019/05/29/balanced-meal-day-3/

An Unhealthy Healthy (Day 1)

Diet day 1: I had removed all the bad food from the house…It was delicious.

Diet Day 2: https://confessionsofme321.wordpress.com/2019/05/23/my-food-pyramid/

Diet Day 3: https://confessionsofme321.wordpress.com/2019/05/29/balanced-meal-day-3/

Our Stress- Simplified

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‘My doctor asked me if I ever had a stress test, before. I replied, “Yes- it’s called life.’
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“If stress burned calories, I’d be a supermodel, by now.’
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‘Having a job, causes so much stress, but then again, so does not having a job.’
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‘If it’s true that stress brings on weight loss, why am I not invisible?’
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‘Take a deep breath, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again.’
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’There cannot be another stressful crisis next week. My schedule is already full.’
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‘People wait all week for Friday., all year for Summer and all their life for living without stress.’
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‘My stress stresses me out to the point where I’m too stressed to deal with stress.’
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‘Dear stress, you remind me of a software update. Whenever, I see them, I usually think- NOT NOW.’
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‘Me: What could possibly go wrong?
Stress: I’m glad you asked.’

Look, you’re not going to master the rest of your life in one day. Just take a deep breath and relax. Master the day. Then keep doing that every day. Remember that, a year from now, everything you are stressing about won’t even matter. There are always so many possibilities, you just have to stop stressing, so you can fully look at the chances and opportunities, in front of you. Just remember, stress is a lot like a rocking chair- it gives you something to do but it doesn’t get you anywhere.

Blogs Worth Reading

‘Good blogs are like good friends, they are few and chosen.’

There are a lot of good blogs out there. However, there are some that I would like to recommend to readers, written by people that I know. These blogs are not just enjoyable to read but enhance your perspective of different topics.

15 Times Lara Jean Covey Was A ‘Relatable Queen’…
Super Simple Vanilla Cake Recipe
  • Super Simple Vanilla Cake Recipe (Operation Project Overload- rubyredfort13): I liked this blog as I am not great at cooking. When I cook, my family knows the cooking is done when they hear the smoke alarm go off. So, I really like it when I can find simple recipes with limited ingredients where I can conjure a masterpiece instead of what I usually do- summon a ‘demon.’
My Amazing Trip To Six Flags
  • My Amazing Trip To Six Flags (happyhealthylife.w/moskan- moskansyeda): I enjoyed reading this blog as I love going on trips, myself and love to read about the places other people go to, as well. If you’re a person who doesn’t like going on adventures, here’s a quote for you- ‘If you think Adventure is dangerous, try Routine-it’s LETHAL.’

A Look At The Daily Routine Of A Billionaire

What do you think a billionaire does? They have so much money, they can do things that most of us can only dream of. For me, my wallet is like an onion, opening it makes me cry. However, this isn’t about me or you and our money. This blog is about what Bill Gates a billionaire, does, on a daily routine.

‘ When you have money in your hand, only you forget who you are. But, when you do not have any money in your hand, the whole world forgets who you are. It’s life.’- Bill Gates

Bill Gates usually skips breakfast, as his wife, Melinda states. However, when he does eat breakfast, he likes to eat chocolate cereal Cocoa Puffs. Going back a few previous years, Bill Gates was known to work out on the treadmill, in the morning while he watched DVDs from the Teaching Company’s ‘Great Courses series.’

Bill Gates also loves to play tennis and likes to read The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Economist. The billionaire’s schedules are usually broken up into 5-minute intervals and every moment is planned carefully. He likes to write notes to keep on top of his jam-packed routine.

‘Money may not buy happiness, but I would rather cry in a Ferrari than in a bus.’

When it comes to lunch, Bill Gates favourite is cheese burger. Bill Gates also loves reading and likes to read in his large library. While Bill Gates is not working, he loves to spend time with his three children and go to tour locations such as electric plants and missile launch facilities, with his son, for learning purposes.

To end a long and exhausting day, we usually imagine billionaires watching a firework display while sitting on some expensive piece of furniture. However, this is not the case with Bill Gates. He unwinds his day by… doing chores. Bill Gates says that he washes the dishes every night and says, “Other people volunteer but I like the way I do it.”

So, that’s the routine of a billionaire. It’s definitely not what I expected but I guess, it just shows that at the end of the day we’re all humans no matter how much money we have or how financially stable we all are.

Our Lives- Simplified

Dear Life, can my day get any harder?
I meant it as a rhetorical question- not a challenge.
‘ When you think life is too hard or things are not going your way, and you want to go back to when you were younger, then just think of all that algebra.’
‘Either you run the day. Or, the day runs you.’
If something goes wrong in your life, just yell- “Plot Twist!” And move on.
‘I’m not lazy. I’m on my energy saving mode.’
‘ Life is a test you didn’t study for.’ But- it doesn’t matter. Look at this example: ‘I failed in some subjects in an exam, but my friend passed in all. Now he is an engineer in Microsoft and I am the owner of Microsoft’- Bill Gates
‘ I can’t remember what it’s like to not be tired.’
‘ It is one of those days where even my coffee needs a coffee.’
‘Do not confuse my bad days as a sign of weakness. These are usually the days where I am fighting my hardest.’
‘Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.’

Just remember, if you were able to believe in the tooth fairy for 8 years, you can believe in yourself for at least 20 minutes. If “Plan A” didn’t work, remember, the alphabet has 25 more letters, for you to try. Be like a postage stamp, stick to a thing, till you get there. Remember, the impossible is possible- cupcakes are muffins that believed in miracles. It’s okay if you don’t just make the same mistake twice, but make it five or six times because you’re just making sure- and that’s okay.

Animal Farm- Displaying The Brutal Truth

‘All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.’- George Orwell (Animal Farm)

Animal Farm was written by George Orwell, who has also written the book ‘1984’. Animal farm uses animals as a symbol of the political world and the brutal themes of human dominance and power. The book is set in Manor farm which is initially ruled by humans, until the animals drive them out. The book then, continues on, to tell the story of the animals’ journey as they learn to manage a farm with no humans and the struggles included.

As disappointing as it is to say, the book, even though written in the 90s, still reflects our world today. Napoleon, the dominating pig, symbolises the power-driven politicians of today. Squealer, a persuasive pig, symbolises the brainwashing media of today. The sheep represent the blind followers of these, nothing but power-driven politicians. Boxer, the horse represents the nationalists. As you can see, Animal Farm shows us the brutal truth of our world, cleverly, represented with animals.

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‘I believe the root of all evil is abuse of power.’- Patricia Cornwell

The only reason the animals believe Napoleon’s lies is because they do not know that, what he is doing is against their laws and also, thanks to the help of Squealer, the animals are now fully convinced that everything Napoleon is doing is right. Relating to current situations, the same media manipulation happens- a lot. It doesn’t take much effort, for media and the internet to persuade people with their rumours and lies- just like Squealer does to the other animals, to convince them that everything Napoleon does, is not going against their laws.

However, nowadays, there are way too many ‘sheep’, that are willingly manipulated by the media. The ones who actually know what’s going on, are drowned in the noise of all the bleating of the sheep and their voices and opinions, never heard.

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These pictures, show how the pigs, in Animal Farm, changed the animals’ laws around from allowing only four legs to be used and banning the use of walking on two legs, until, the pigs themselves started walking on two legs and calling it to be ‘better.’

George Orwell served as a soldier in World War II, and you can see his attitude towards war, in his book. Right after the animals have won their first battle, they grieve over the loss of their friends while the pigs (politicians), celebrate over their victory against the humans. As you can see, this idea places emphasis on how most politicians only care about the results rather than the process. To most of them, the victory is more important than the thousands of lives lost or being destroyed or targeted. In Animal Farm, you can sense the author’s hatred as he twists his words words to make something as horrific as war sound like a glorious and special achievement.

To conclude, I cannot emphasise, more on how great an idea and theme this book portrays. So, if you haven’t already read Animal Farm, I highly recommend it. It is such a creatively written and interesting book that illustrates a dark and horrible matter in the most original way, possible. I would rate Animal Farm a 4.5 out of 5. Remember, there can never be too many books, maybe just not enough bookshelves.

Image result for animal farm
The problem with political jokes is that- they get elected.’- Henry Cate